After School Care imageAfter School Care image
Children need to be active everyday to promote their healthy growth and development. Kids who establish healthy life style patterns at young age will carry them and their benefits forward for rest of their lives.

At Neldrac we provide support and guidance to parents about how to start and how much activity their child needs each day. They need to feel motivated and enjoy their activities. Keeping an activity log can help them chart their progress, while praise and rewards for each small step achieved can help to keep them motivated.

Children need to be active every day to promote their healthy growth and development. Kids who establish healthy life style patterns at young age will carry them and their benefits forward for rest of their lives.

Physical activity can help kids cope with stress. It also promotes:
  • Healthy growth and development
  • Better self-esteem
  • Stronger bones, muscles and joints
  • Better posture and balance
  • A stronger heart
  • A healthier weight percentile.
  • Social interaction with friends
  • Learning new skills while having fun
  • Better focus and concentration during school
At Neldrac we can provide support and guidance to parents about how to start and how much activity their child needs each day. They need to feel motivated and enjoy their activities. Keeping an activity log can help them chart their progress, while praise and rewards for each small step achieved can help to keep them motivated.

We make sure that our Children should:
  • Include a warm up and cool down as part of each activity session;
  • Drink water before, and after activities - and have water breaks during their activities;
  • Wear sunblock, a hat and sunglasses when outside in warmer weather;
  • Use the right size of protective equipment;
  • Start at a level that matches their current fitness level. Too much too soon can result in injury. Always play it safe
We focus on three different types of activities that promote healthy growth and development:
Endurance or aerobic activities - activities that involve continuous movement of large muscle groups - increase heart rate, cause breathing to quicken, and make you work up a sweat. They are important for development of a healthy heart and lungs.
Endurance activities can be lots of fun - and they don't have to be competitive. Help your children choose the right activities for them. Few examples: Dancing, Martial Arts, climbing.
Activities that encourage children to bend, stretch and reach promote flexibility. Having adequate flexibility allows children to participate in daily activities without pain or restriction from their muscles or joints. Being flexible promotes good posture, reduces muscle stiffness and soreness, increases relaxation and minimizes risk of injury. Few examples: Active play, Digging in sand, Gymnastics, Yoga.
Working against a resistance helps children build stronger muscles. Adequate muscular strength allows kids to deal with the demands of daily life without excessive stress on their joints and muscles. Activities that build strength promote strong bones, muscles and good posture, improve the ability to lift and maneuver objects and obstacles and enhance healthy growth and development. Few examples: Lifting and carrying things, climbing stairs, doing sit-ups and push-ups.

For more information visit your nearest branch or contact us here